ArtsyShark, a Fantastic Site for Artists and Creatives

Carolyn Edlund at ArtsyShark published this Q&A with me today. She’s a thrill to work with, and she’s developed an incredible collection of resources for artists. Check out this article and look around while you’re there. I’m sure you’ll find something of value, whether you’re an artist or not.

Selling Products that Combine Art and Spirit by Carolyn Edlund

Artist Dana Weekley of NineTomatoes developed an interesting business model to sell her mesmerizing designs. We spoke about developing products, and using tech to sell.

AS:  Describe your designs and the concept behind them.

DW:  My designs are digital, geometric patterns created from automatic drawings. I never know what they’ll look like ahead of time, although I sometimes set intentions before I start drawing. For instance, with the card decks and personal portraits… (cont’d)