Grounded turns up whenever I’m facing a day of to-do’s. My Team knows I’m not too Enthusiastic about things I have to do, so they offer me a little inpsiration. “Just TRY,” I hear them say ever so gently, “to find the fun in it. You can do it.”

But there’s another voice that’s not so nice. I’m actually impressed with how subtle and subversive it is, winding its way around my logical mind, twisting my thoughts into knots. Anyway, I know the deal: Either enjoy what I’m about to do today, or do something else. But don’t do it in a mood, or complain about it, or hate it. That’s a straight path to the dark side.

So after a tussle with that voice, I get moving. While I’m out, I keep seeing these images in my mind. Each time they pop in I relax a little more. I just tune into their companionship and ask them to help me out. Then, it’s like they create some kind of forcefield around me so I can function in the world without picking up on every frequency in the air around me.

All’s well from here.