I love Eckhart Tolle, and reread The Power of Now occasionally for a solid reminder of who I really am. Every word so poignant, so recognizable. Such resonant truth.

Each time, I ponder the Pain Body (PB). Why, I wonder, is there a part of me and the world that’s so hostile? Living in the same body with this hostile element doesn’t exactly inspire trust. It creates separation: Me vs. the PB, adding to our current world frequency. If the antidote is Consciousness, we better have it at the ready at all times. That’s certainly a worthy goal, and currently a tall order for most of us. There must be another perspective. Something friendlier, not so warlike. After all, EVERYTHING is changing, and all philosophies are up for review.

I think the PB is here to help. It’s just using an unconventional approach. Let’s say you grew up in a loving family, the world was kind to you, you’re a lovely adult who gives and receives in balance, and suffers very little. The PB will likely not visit you often, because you don’t need it to. But say you’re the opposite, rough childhood, rough world, difficulty giving and receiving love. You’re a prime candidate for the PB’s gifts: “Listen. Notice. Become aware of how you feel. When you can suffer no more, you will crack open and learn. And I, the PB, will visit you far less frequently.”

Art heals and delivers understanding in ways words just can’t, so I drew a picture of myself, strong, conscious, staring straight into the PB’s eyes. A clunky, geometric figure, my height and weight, with a “jig is up” look on its face, he stared at me as if to say, “Ok.” We became, dare I say, friends.

If the PB were simply a menace, it would never leave any of us alone. I think it….. cares. Maybe, along with the rest of us, it’s upgrading its own consciousness: wise, subtle, wily, giving. Works with darkness, relentlessly and without pay or recognition. I can get near that kind of Being, let it in, and be willing to learn from it.