I marvel constantly at human behavior, the way we think about everything. So set in our ways. “This is how the ancients saw it, so it must be gospel, golden truth, the only way.” Maybe we’ve been on this part of the spiral before, but not as who we are now. Today’s experiences matter most to us, thus, the wisdom of the past, as told through the human lens at that time, may actually be irrelevant. Which puts to the bin everything, not just the garbage we’ve created for ourselves here and now, but the paths through. What if, for fun, we let go all together. Nothing to lean on. No symbols, no words, no ideas, no rules, no dogma, no nothing. Empty. Clean. Raw. What then? What of us comes to the surface to be seen, lived? What reaches out beyond the mask and into the soul of the cosmos, touching, communicating, experiencing? Do we repeat the “sins of our fathers” or not? Such a marvelous opportunity at our fingertips, not to be squandered hanging on to what was.