To-do lists might as well be hand grenades in my world. It’s not that I don’t want to do anything, it’s that I can’t stand the limited feeling of following a certain path. I like to let the day’s magic take charge. So aside from the pillars of my daily container – morning vibe-setting, meals, rest – I let the to-do list in my energy field sort itself out in the best possible way for me. Nothing goes undone. And I feel the Pleasure in doing, Stillness in action.

Years of anxiety, confusion and depression taught me how to live this way. I used to go to jobs I didn’t like, hate my way through the day, complain about the work, criticize myself and everyone else. I was bucking the current constantly, imprisoned in my thoughts. I learned this behavior as a kid, and I finally realized I could unlearn it. First order of business was to teach myself to reach inside and find the magic I know is in there.

Then, daily, bit by bit, to unleash it, embody it, support it and wield it with great awareness and care.