Success Celebrate

Success Celebrate

When you repeat these words, they lose meaning and become the pure sound of your own voice. Try it, and go beyond the words into the vibration resonating in your throat and chest. Feel this energy traveling through your body, creating harmony and wholeness. As the...
Release Pleasure

Release Pleasure

I love being with you. I love the way you look at me. I love your intensity. I love your vibe. I love how I feel when we’re together. One thing, one being. I, a fragment, You, the center of All. No art can define, no words explain, but my heart is yours. I AM...
Bliss Celebrate

Bliss Celebrate

The thing about working with geometry that I find so intriguing, so endlessly fascinating, is how much it’s like working with our own life force. Endless choices, each with distinct feelings, free will to choose and influence the way we operate, the way we see...
Support Passion

Support Passion

With all our science and knowledge, we still have no real idea of how things work or what exists beyond our known reality. We guess, we gather info, surmise, pontificate, proselytize. We teach, protest, convince, cajole. We push and pull, argue and agree. We reason,...
Success Peace

Success Peace

What do we care if the world of form rests on a foundation of geometry? How does it help us to know that? To me, it points to the Beingness behind form. To God, to Love, to Life. To the eternal ISness, the One. Our cells ingest the wisdom and inform the body and mind,...
Joy Thrive

Joy Thrive

Joy, like a gauntlet, tossed down at my feet. A match for my ego, who instantly breaks into song in my head, begging this way and that for attention. Distracting, disturbing, anything but Thriving. “New Moon Eclipse, with that South Node, all in Libra. Believe...