How to guide the mind, gently, to follow a desirable path, on to a new beginning. Thinking, thinking, thinking, without guardrails, can be dangerous. Detrimental. Must remember how it felt to be utterly present, bedside with a spirit leaving its body. For days, no food, no drink, shallow breath. But the heart, it pounds and pounds. Like a weed pushing through stony cracks, it powers itself without regard to its host’s desire. To fly away. It knows, and soldiers on, as though some great miracle will lift it up out of bed and back into its life. But you know it can’t. And so, with consent, you may stay and witness this profound shift, out of form and into spirit. A generous gift of presence, unparalleled in meditation or dreams, rendering all else unimportant, uninteresting. Or more acutely interesting than ever before? A strange brew, grief. Sadness, longing, regret, anger, betrayal, presence, profundity, grace, gratitude. Where does the spirit land, without its tether? And how do these thoughts begin again, in a sunny place, where the shadows loom larger and more beautiful, dewy and fresh along the forest floor. Gather your roots in a bundle and chop yourself free from the bloodline. It’s time to begin again.