Please don’t let me die and find out that every dimension is like school. I’ve read that in a lot of places, and every time I do, I sink. There must be another name for it. Not playground. Or funhouse. Or temple. What do we call an indescribable experience that makes absolutely no logical sense and is widely accepted to be true? A small sphere spins at great speed while hurtling around the sun in a galaxy among millions. Yes, my wee brain says, “But I don’t get it, please pass the chips.” And on we go, marveling at our confusion, fighting, arguing over everything, hurting ourselves and each other, probably, I think, because we would rather focus on such things than try to get to the center of our existence. Too dark. Too scary. Not looking! “Turn on the tv.”

But I do look. I love to look. I love to dive down deep into something and pluck out the guts of it, look it over, decide how I feel about it. Humans are endlessly fascinating, especially the way we announce ourselves with speech and behavior. It’s almost too much to bear, but we carry on with the game, masking our light under stories and woes, until one day we leave the building. Now, without form, we’re free to roam around the cabin, utterly transparent and nothing to hide.

Why wait for death, unless of course, all we have to look forward to is school? I know for sure my soul does not like school. My soul does love to learn, though, and we’ve done a lot of it here. After all we’ve been through, I do wonder why we can’t take a page from Spirit’s book and be real here and now. What if we all agreed to try it together? Would we blow the Universal circuits? Cause such a draft from the biggest black hole that all existence would suck back into nothing? We don’t know. Probably not. I say we try it. One day, at a certain time, everything stops. Every single one of us drops what we’re doing and basks in our eternal knowing, offering nothing but the deepest and truest love to everyone and everything in our midst.

If it blows, we can always go back to school.